Below are some videos about Spanglish:
Ilan Stavans discusses the future of Spanglish, the hybrid tongue spoken by millions of Latinos in the United States. He says that the Latinos are learning English, but unlike other immigrants, they do not give up their own language. Stavans says that Spanglish is not one, but many. By that he means that there are many types of Spanglish. Also, he emphasis the importance of the media. The media helps us to understans Spanglish and it is responsable to transform it into the written form. Nowadays, even novels are being written in Spanglish.
In this video Ilan Stavans gives a lecture about Spanglish. He explains why the Spanish language survived in so many generations in United States. Also, he explains what is Spanglish and who are the people who speak it. He says that it does not exist in pure form, because Spanglish does not have a grammar and no syntax. Stavans says that like any language, Spanglish has many varieties. He does not know if Spanglish is going to take over English, but there is no doubt that Spanish is changing English.
It is the trailer of the movie Spanglish. The movie shows the relationship between Latinos and North-americans. It is through this relation that the mixture between English and Spanish arise : the Spanglish.
This short video show how latinos mixture the English and the Spanish language. There are interviews with some Latinos that live in United States. In the video, it is possible to notice that the people who appear in the video speaks Spanglish.
The actor George Lopez talks about the importance of the Spanglish. He also speaks in Spanglish during the video. He says that the north-americans will always speak English and Spanish.