
SPANGLISH ---------- ENGLISH ---------- SPANISH
Parquear el carro -------------- To park the car ------------------ Aparcar el coche

Poner un ticket -------------- To give a fine ------------ Poner una multa

Chores -------------- Shorts ------------ Pantalones cortos

Marqueta ------------- Market ----------- Mercado

Taipear -------------------- To type ---------- Escribir a máquina

Vacunar la carpeta ----------- To vacuum the carpet ------- Apirar la alfombra

Te llamo para atrás ------- I’ll call you back ------- Te vuelvo a llamar

El rufo del bildin ------ The roof of the building -------- El techo del edificio

Lonche ----------------- Lunch ----------- Almuerzo

Juego ----------------- Game ------------- Partido

Brecas ----------- Brakes ------- Frenos

Imeil ----------- E-mail --------- Correo electrónico

Chequear ----------- To check ------------- Verifiar/Comprobar

Source: http://www.spanish-in-the-world.net/Spanish/spanglish.php

Spanglish words:
aeróbica (ay-RO-bi-ka) -- dynamic female.
averaje (a-ve-RAH-je) -- average.
boila (BOY-lah) -- heating appliance, boiler.
carpeta (kar-PE-tah) -- carpet.
chopin (TCHO-peen) -- 1.Shopping center mall. 2. n., going shopping.
deiof (dey-OF) -- day off.
frizer (FREE-zer) -- refrigerator.
grocear (gro-SEAR) -- to acquire groceries.
jonrón (khon-RON) -- home run.
lonche (LONCHE) -- 1. midday meal. 2. food served to guests at event.
marqueta (mar-ke-tah) -- supermarket.
pari (PA-ree) -- a party.
ruki (ROOH-kee) -- novice.
From Spanglish: The Making of a New American Language (Rayo, an imprint of HarperCollins)